Sunday, August 30, 2015

I Know... I Know...

I can see these with one of my burger or sandwiches. Maybe you can think of a way to get these without buying this processed type. Missing you E....

Saturday, August 29, 2015

I remember being out this way for horse camp with the girls, running into Cousin Tim...

Friday, August 28, 2015

Me+You+Bridge Run 2016= 7:55/mi!!

Having some decent runs...sideline after tooth pulled...but I think we should make that a PR event. What do ya think?!?!
Brought the girls to the pool. Working on a rack project, forgot my earbuds. 1 or 2 birthday parties going on...20-25 tweeners!! I miss my earbuds!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Their blossoms look like a fancy hair do!!
So much makes me think of YOU!! Lol... Not the fancy hair but having a garden...

My Nerves are Shot!! Lol!!

Maybe you will read these one day. As I am thinking of ways and things to do with you I'm getting stress pimples!! Lol!! But it's cool, this round is better than the stress pimples from 3-4momths ago that's for sure!! I'm glad we are taking a slow approach to this...granted we kicked it into hyperdrive last weekend!!

Monday, August 24, 2015

True Value...

Mike and I wore these while he was in Iraq...5yrs ago. Still holding up. He believes in us. It's that kind of support that makes him my brother!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

What Do You Think...

Pull pecan pork. Pull apple chicken. Carmelized onions. Gouda cheese. Banana peppers. Kale. Kaiser roll bun.

As Green As...LOL!!

First cucumber came in...
Missing you...

Couldn't Help It! Lol!

We can always talk about whatever you want. We have strong feelings and a love that can heal...that's Christ's Love and our love! We have to trust in Him and it will all be better!! But you have to...

Friday, August 21, 2015

Dang I Hope You Read These One Day!!

WOW!! WOW!! WWOOOWWW! ELISE!! Made out a little with you moaned and breathed like you used to!! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

You Took this Pic...Nice Bikes Huh?

Oh they are bikes in the pic?!?! LOL!! Just missing you E.... $200 fine?

Killer Leg Combo...for Speed!

Gotta stay on your running podiums!! Roman Dead Lifts(15rep) straight in to Jump Rope(1min). RDLs work solid press while Jump Rope hits the fast twitch! 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Monday, August 17, 2015

Haircut, Traffic Light...Fail. Kissing in the Waves...WIN!

On the F3 ride we got 40mi in. Towards the end Barrett forgot to un clip and fell over. Well we all had stories at that point!! Remember our first cycling trip to Charleston? Clippers broke while cutting my hair, fell over at traffic light in Mt. Pleasant, but the kissing in waves made up for all that!! Miss you E!!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Training Wheels were Easier...

Went training bra shopping last night with Gabz...she's funny sometimes. She didn't want to carry the items in her hands and asked if I would...I was like there maybe some laws against that until buy them! LOL!! She said gave me a look and asked if we could get a basket...

Friday, August 14, 2015

I Sure Know How to Pick'em!!

Awesome poster!! I guessed I picked a classic for our 'flick'!! It came on the radio at the pool...sends my mind racing!! Dang I miss you E!!

I'm a Nerd...

Another dynamic duo that looks like our potential!! Lol!! If not saving the world definitely winning some races!! Just saw Ant-Man with Gabz and Lindsey and was too cool! Hope Ben like it too. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ummm...I Think I Did It?

I ate a watermelon. No typo...

Nature is Too Cool...

Big bug or Small bird?...
Wish we were better connected...still gonna email you. Vendors pumped out major school supplies to Service Members. Would have gotten your stuff too...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Jogging and Jet Fuel...

You should take another day off and come jog this with me and watch some planes take off and land. We can workout and then hit the WWC....

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

What a Down Pour!!

Now this is a storm! All the possible metaphors of positive and negative are matched in such words like: "I don't know Omega...."

Dude is Just Anointed!!

We always look for a connection point in our interest. Words to live by!!

Monday, August 10, 2015

The Nut Don't Fall Far!!

So Gabz knows I leave super early to run. She placed this in my Newton...SCARED THE PISS OUTTA ME!!

Where to Next?!?!

I pray you all made it back safe and include any new friends from other churches I suppose. Brad was telling me that the brothers go annually and it's always a great experience!! Again very proud of you, Alexis, and most of all Meck!! I hope you don't have too much catching up to do at work....I'm sure the first few hours will be a lot of stories about your week!!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Let the SON Shine on US!!

I pray the void of our separation has allowed room for Christ to fill!! I sure do miss you though!! Still can't think of the item(s) that was a so good but never got to GREAT!!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Hot Rod-ent!! LOL!!

The cats in the neighborhood are nnooo where to be found!! even has a tail!!

Roses and Poop Smells Like...Roses

Glad to hear you say it's good we didn't get married. You weren't wanting to marry me with God first(which is better than not at all). I was looking to providing with more importance than God first. He can fix all that in a marriage but even bring all that stinky crap to the table!!
What a weekend. I think we did "it" by accident, too hot to sleep in clothes and just rolled in to each other!! Lol!! Miss ya E!!
Getting better...used grass clippings to neutralize fertilizer. Think thirsty ants are the major issue now...

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Ants in my Plants...Get It...LOL!!

So I missed on two harvest of zuccs and cucumbers do to ants eating the blossoms. Stalks are healthy so should get more....nature go figure!!

Grapes or Gators...Who's Eating Who?!?

Always loved making you laugh. Comedic timing good...situation timing coulda waited. LOL!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

F3 Rocks...Literally!! Last 15min w/Bricks!!

Worked out with bricks again! Gotta push through the fatigue as to not knock your face off! LOL!!

Where 2 or 3...

This is what I am working on example. When asked, if asked, why a beautiful lady like yourself is single don't give a superficial answer about me being a moron. Since you are among Believers say my ex (still burns to say that) was not following after God so he wasn't following after what God wants of Christians!! See the spiritual healthy response you get from Believers vs the standard it just didn't work to non-Believers. Just try Christ show up!!

Image to Graphic for Mission Week LOL!!

Found and added this little section at Biz Park before work. Miss being out getting miles with you!! It's at a top and leads down...

The Laney's: Elevation Worship at TWC

Jason, Chase(step-son), Brandy, Gabz, and Maddie. How do like my shirt? Lol!! Later E...thinking of ya!!

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Bike...Just Look at the Bike...

The bike is such a solid build no hands is ez...(waiting on you!!) That guy behind me Louis is a Beast!! Did Tour de Purteo Rico 2 weeks before this...

Can't See Sending a Pic..

So a good sized bug hit me in the eye while on my bike.(ok now) It hurt pretty bad that night but was getting better. Ran Sunday morning it was achy...yes an achy eye ball. Got worse over the course of the day. Water and gooey leakage. Was all but sealed shut this morning!! Yuck!! Doing way better now no doc needed!!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

No Garfield Here!!

Kitty Sitting again...he's into everything!! Took him a while to come out, meows sound like he's trying to speak..LOL!!