Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 2 complete BBQ dinner 84mi, good pace for 80% @ 16-17mph 3300+ calories burned NOT FLAT...Lol!! In another armory tonight small group way smaller quarters. Just ask Mike what's the deal with the Army being afraid of hot water...wasn't that bad but after today cold have used one. The Major kinda gave me my own group today. Victor is the older guy from Purteo Rico that has been coaching me on distance riding. I did a lot of the miles in the smaller ring up front and still held 17-18+mph. Keep most of the muscle work out of pedaling and use rpms. The Major realized I was strong enough on the bike so have a group isnt about staying in front BUT not letting someone fall to far back. When they did I would slow to let them draft off me to lessen their effort and move us both back up to the pack. If they can't then just stay with them so a single rider isn't left. Only had to do it 3-4 was tough!! The experience was a lesson in pride and leadership. You can't want to prove how fast you are and be helpful to your group. As a leader you have to be accountable for everyone's success. As soon as that rider gets in your draft you feel the pull on your momentum. With that...again...whomever prompted you to carry this notion that I am some troll of a negative person so you can crap on me and use as a point to control you and push me aside, well wrong again!! Whomever it was I've forgiven them but of course the lack of it being true makes that part easy but the nerve of them siding with those racist!! Lol!!
How's your weekend starting? Went out of town with friends? New friends? Hosted something? Beach or mountains? Uptown or a farm/orchard?Haha...liked I would ever know right!! Oh the other night I was just über emotional that day with the Special Athletes is just tough for don't want talk to me for whatever reason so guess I lashed out at that fact. Can't make any sense of any of it so it spews out sometimes.

Pulled this guy up and had to sprint back up front...slight incline...obvious burned!!

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